Viewing Image Gallery Widget not showing all images

Image Gallery Widget not showing all images

User: Myron M. 2 years ago
I have been using the Image Gallery widget successfully for some time. However, on occasion it does not display all the images, some display only a placeholder. After publishing, I can select the placeholder and the image appears. There are no error messages and the affected images work just fine in all the other Image Widgets, just not in the Gallery. Attached is a screenshot. Clicking on the question mark or anywhere in the Placeholder, gives me the good image.

Any ideas?


Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 2.23.57 PM.png
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Myron,

Thank you for reaching us.

Could you please create a support ticket with us so that I can request the project file to investigate the issue?

Looking forward to your reply.

EverWeb Customer Support
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