Viewing Blogging - adding a new blog post

Blogging - adding a new blog post

User: Susan S. 2 years ago
I don't think this is something we can do in EverWeb but I've not kept up with everything new. And if it isn't, is it possible that it could be added at some point (not sure if it's even possible).

If I make a website for a client and they want a blog on it, am I the only one who can add a new blog post? I know I can share a site with someone if they too have EverWeb but most of my clients don't have the tech skills for that.

It would be great if there was a way for a client to somehow add a blog post without having access to (and most likely screw up) the site.

Any chance of that?

User: wellnl 2 years ago
Hi Susan

Yes you're correct in your thinking here. Just fyi, I have seen this request asked previously on the forum and it's something the developers have noted that would be good to add to EverWeb in the future. I'm sure it would be very popular! Let's hope it comes soon!

User: Susan S. 2 years ago
I was afraid of that. I really think it would be a very popular add-on I have so many clients that want to be able to blog on their website and when they need that I opt for WordPress. But I prefer using EverWeb when I can. Not sure how complicated an add-on it would be but it would be so useful!


User: Courtney H. 2 years ago
Quote: Susan S. - 28/02/2022 16:04:40
I was afraid of that. I really think it would be a very popular add-on I have so many clients that want to be able to blog on their website and when they need that I opt for WordPress. But I prefer using EverWeb when I can. Not sure how complicated an add-on it would be but it would be so useful!

Susan, you have an interesting point and I can see where it could work. Something to think about - if you bill hourly that's billable income for you. Is the draft blog checked, cleaned up, ambiguities fixed, sloppy grammar sharpened already? Or is that your job? If so, you'll want to see it before it gets posted. No matter how bad a client is at worksmithing, they blame you if they don't look like a star. I ghost write every bog entry and everyone loves it most think they actually wrote it.
Just a thought. This can be part of the services we as designers provide. The bog is the personal face of the company. Anything you can do to make it (and them) look good is great for you and generates a lot more business after a bit of time.

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
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