Viewing Changing Line spacing in Advanced Image Text Wrap

Changing Line spacing in Advanced Image Text Wrap

User: James P. 2 years ago
When I paste text into the Advanced Image Wrap the styled font setting is 36. When I highlight the text and change the font size to something smaller, the font size changes but the line spacing stays at what it would be if the font was still 36. How do I change the line height spacing?
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi James,

Please open a Support ticket,so that we can investigate the issue in more detail.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Last edit 2 years ago

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User: James P. 2 years ago
I figured out that it has something to do with the original formatting of the PDF I am copying it from. If I copy and paste it to Clipboard and change the format first, the Image Wrap menu then works just fine. I'm happy with that considering the fits Image Wrap design gives you guys! :)
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