Viewing create different pricing for greater quantity

create different pricing for greater quantity

User: E. Scott D. 2 years ago
I'm using the PayPal widget. I want to have a set price for one item, but a lower price when you order more than one.

For example:

Item A = $32 (1) Each additional item is only $26. Total=$58

However, if you get one of Item A and one of Item B the total should be the same ($58) since you are getting 2 items.

There are 14 total items that all have an initial price of $32. So it doesn't seem like the dropdown options with prices will work since your total for item A and Item B would still be $64.

Hope this makes sense.
How do I solve this problem? Thanks.

Last edit 2 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 2 years ago

This functionality is not yet available in EverWeb But we can add it to the PayPal widget.

Please contact customer support so we can understand your exact requirements and provide a solution.

EverWeb Developer

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