Viewing Text Tags

Text Tags

User: Brian T. 2 years ago
My sites are being marked down as they don’t display HTML Title, Header (H1, H2 etc) or P tags. How do I add these within Everweb?
User: EverWeb Support 2 years ago
Hi Brian,

Thank you for the question.

You can add <h1></h1> any other heading tags using our built-in widget.

Please check the following video for the H1-H6 Tags:
Please feel free to open a support ticket in case if any questions arise.

For the Title Tag you can edit that under Inspector->Page Settings

EverWeb automatically includes P tags for most text when it is necessary

If there is specific items you need, or if you can provide more details about where you are got this report, we can help further.

Best Regards,

Last edit 2 years ago

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Brian T. 2 years ago
Aha - a widget!
Found it, used it and HTML tags are now sorted.
Thank you for the speedy reply.

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