Viewing FlexBox Widget object sizing???

FlexBox Widget object sizing???

User: Jeremy W. 3 years ago
This is one of those things that once I'm given the answer I will likely do a 'doh!' to myself, however I'm stumped.

Under FlexBox Widget settings, there is a place to set four parameters under "Object Sizing Options":

-> Default Width
-> Minimum Width
-> Maximum Width
-> Spacing

Now the last three are obvious (to me). However I can't figure out what the first 'default' setting is for, or how it works. Hours of searching. Hours of experimenting with settings... no clue.

Does anyone know what the ramifications for setting 'default' is? Precisely what does it do? What am I missing?

Thank you for any answers or insights! :)

everweb forum flexbox.png
Screenshot of options
User: wellnl 3 years ago
Hi Jeremy, Hope that my comment in your other post answered this somewhat. I understand that the default value is sometimes used in certain circumstances by some web browsers. I don't know more than that, but I think it's safe to assume that all will be OK if the default value you used is somewhere between min and max :)

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