Viewing Mobile settings unavailable

Mobile settings unavailable

User: Anita W. 3 years ago
I have a 6-page website, with one page that is designed for mobile, selected from the available pages for the template. It appears above the "New" box at the top left of Everweb. I cannot access "Mobile Settings", "Header/Footer Code", nor "Redirects" from the Inspector. I click the left arrow but nothing happens. It does not show up when I try to view the website on mobile, it just shows the regular home page. I've never done this before, so I'm obviously doing something wrong. Help please?
User: EverWeb Support 3 years ago
Hi Anita,

Thanks for your question. You need to access the mobile settings from the desktop page and link it to the mobile page. Please refer to this video on how to:

Should you need any further assistance, please open the Support Ticket, so that we could help you out.

Best Regards,

EverWeb Customer Support
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