Viewing Open A Project On A Different Computer

Open A Project On A Different Computer

User: Edward H. 4 years ago
I would like to know if it's possible to open a project from another computer? I've tried to open the folder, etc. but nothing happens. Is there something I missing to do this?

User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Edward,

Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, you can do that. First of all, you need to locate your project file.
To do that, go to the Recent Projects window. Click on the double-arrow icon on the right-hand side of your project and select the "Show on Disk" option. Having done that, a folder with your project file will be opened up.

Please pay attention to the file's extension, it should be .everweb

Once you ensured that you have the right file, you can drag and drop this project file from the original folder to your Dropbox.

You will notice that when you relaunch the projects window, this project no longer appears. This is because it has been removed from this folder, and you will need to open the project from Dropbox from now on.

When collaborating with multiple computers, make sure to only have the project launched on one computer at a time.

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