Viewing Changing an external file

Changing an external file

User: Susan S. 4 years ago
I have an external file that is a PDF and at least 40 pages on this website I'm using it on it's referenced with a link. We've just made changes to that file. The last time we did this I had to go back and change all 40 links even though the file was the same name.

Is there a way to do this so I don't have to go back and change all those links. I think last time I deleted the file from Everweb and then put in a new PDF with the exact same name, yet none of the links worked (I think that's how I did it but truthfully I can't remember).

So how do I do this?


User: EverWeb Support 4 years ago
Hi Susan,

Please make sure that you have made changes to the PDF file what is contained in your Assets -> External Files.
If you edit the correct file, the links to it should remain intact.

If you need further help, please consider opening a ticket with our Support Team.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Paul-RAGESW 4 years ago
Hi Susan,

If the file was not edited from what you had already added to the Assets list you will have to change the links again.

However, the next version of EverWeb 3.4 will provide a feature that does not require this.

The only way around this in EverWeb 3.3 would be to open the project file on your computer and replace the actual PDF file within the project file itself. Before you do this, please back up your website because this is a little technical and if you remove any files from in here, your project may not work anymore.

First close your project file

1. Open your projects window and click the little arrows next to the project
2. Select the backup now option
3. Then click the arrows again and select 'Show On Disk'
4. Right click on the project file in the Finder and select 'Show Package Contents'
5. Navigate to the Assets folder->External Files and put your PDF file in there, replacing the old one. Make sure the new PDF has the same name as the older PDF

That should make it so that you don't have to update all the links.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Susan S. 4 years ago
Thanks, Paul, I can't wait for EverWeb 3.4! I make changes often.

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