Viewing Flexbox sizes

Flexbox sizes

User: Horst H. 4 years ago
Hello, I just purchased Everweb and have the following issue I can;t find a solution to: When putting several items in a flexbox that are basically identical except for the length of the "Styled Text", the items will have different sizes. Is there a way for me to compensate for the different text block sizes to ensure that both the images at the top and the buttons at the bottom align?

Alternatively, is there a way to include a link <a href=""> ... </a> in the styled text? Then i would forego the buttons instead.

I have attached the Everweb preview of a title bar (not relevant to this question) followed by the flexbox preview, as well as the effect in Safari (the elements of the flexbox are set to "align: top").

Any help is very much appreciated!

[Edit: the attachment didn't seem to work...]

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Horst H. 4 years ago
Here are the attachments:

Last edit 4 years ago
User: Roddy 4 years ago
There are quite a few widgets that can do this more easily since they are based on the CSS Grid Layout Module rather than Flexbox.

The EverWeb Responsive Stacking Row Widgets [4] pack has a good selection. The slide up animation is optional.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Horst H. 4 years ago
Hi Roddy, thanks a lot!

I'm a little new to this game so didn't expect to have to buy add-ons for what i would have thought is fairly basic functionality, But your widgets look very useful, so I'll have a close look! Thanks again!


User: Roddy 4 years ago
You can create most items with EverWeb but its a lot faster and easier to use widgets.

If you are going to use an item more than once you can set the widget up with all the required styles and settings on a blank *items" page. Then copy it over to the real page any time you need it.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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