Viewing Line spacing in the Text Section Widget

Line spacing in the Text Section Widget

User: Cornela W. 5 years ago
Hi, does someone could help me, please.
I’m looking for something like the text inspector for a responsive website.
In the Text Section Widget I can choose
the typeface though, but not the spacing....
Thank you in advance :)
User: EverWeb Support 5 years ago
Hi Cornela,

I am sorry for the late reply. There are two ways to achieve this.

You can add a Responsive Row widget to your website and then add a TextBox to that Responsive Row. Normally you do that just by drag-and-dropping the TextBox in to the Responsive Row. However, if there are any difficulties with that you can embed the TextBox into by right clicking it and choosing the necessary Responsive Row. Please see this screenshot as a reference:

Alternatively, you can use a TextBox with no other widgets if you page's layout ( ) is set to Responsive and the end result suits you.

Please let me know if either of the suggestions helped. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.

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