Viewing EverWeb DropDown Menu Widgets Update

EverWeb DropDown Menu Widgets Update

User: Jason S. 5 years ago

I've updated my DropDown menu widget for EverWeb. It fixes some minor issues and replaces the icon. You can download it from the DropDown menu page on

Looking forward to any feedback!

It's completely free and works with the latest version of EverWeb.


- Jason
EverWeb PowerUp
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
Hi, I just tried it and the new version has an error so it won't work. I can't figure out how to delete an old widget so the old and new might be fighting? On the old widget, the original button won't change color on mouseover, was that fixed in the new version?
User: Jason S. 5 years ago
I just tried it and the new version has an error so it won't work.

What error are you getting?

I can't figure out how to delete an old widget so the old and new might be fighting? On the old widget, the original button won't change color on mouseover, was that fixed in the new version?

Mouseover should work fine, I am using it on my example website for the DropDown menu Widget.

Do you have an example page that shows the mouse over not working?

When you install a new widget in EverWeb, you should get a note telling you it will replace the older one.

- Jason
EverWeb PowerUp
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
So, I figured out that you have to right click to delete old widgets. I right clicked and deleted 2 separate ones, reinstalled yours and then restarted everything. Here is the error I get.

Here is one portion of the log that doesn't give any info away:
Error Message: TransportableBoolean cannot be cast to TransportableStringError Number: 0

[Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:55:24 AM] Can't find file or file length is 0 in (cweb...)

Let me know if there is a string you want specifically.

I was using a dropdown button, but it had a different graphic than yours, so I'm wondering if it wasn't your button? I thought I got it from an old thread and then reinstalled. (I see now that you changed the icon in your description, it's most likely your button). Regardless, they both showed up. To be clear, I re-downloaded your button from this thread and re-installed it without the other button. This is definitely your button that my system is having issues with.

* It was your old button that worked mostly, but the mouseover for the text didn't. The new crashes everything.

Last edit 5 years ago
User: Jason S. 5 years ago
Hi Marybeth,

1. Is it possible for you to remove all the DropDown Menu widgets and then add the new one to your Widgets list?
2. Is it possible for you to create a new site and try to use just the DropDown Menu widget and see if you get the same error on a blank site?

- Jason
EverWeb PowerUp
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
Hi Jason, I've already deleted both and retried your button twice. I also added it to a a fresh template as a new project before and it didn't work. This time, I tried both a normal and responsive, blank template on a new project and I received a forced quit error (like before). I submitted error reports a few times. To be clear, today I deleted the widget, downloaded your latest linked here, installed it and got the force quit error again.

Last edit 5 years ago
User: Jason S. 5 years ago
Ok, sorry about this.

I think I know the issue and I am working on a fix.

Sorry for the inconvenience and the issues.

- Jason
EverWeb PowerUp
User: Jason S. 5 years ago
I updated the widget. If you re-download it now, it should work fine. If you experience any issues, please let me know;

DropDown Menu Button for EverWeb

- Jason
EverWeb PowerUp
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
Sorry about the double post, I don't know what happened. My previous post was deleted somehow?

Last edit 5 years ago
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
It still force quits. I deleted the old version and downloaded both buttons on your link and it's the same. Could it be from me using responsive rows?
User: Jason S. 5 years ago
Oh, I'm sorry about that, it seems I only uploaded the new file to one location instead of both locations for all download links. I tested the download links and now they should work fine.

Very sorry about that!

- Jason
EverWeb PowerUp
User: Marybeth B. 5 years ago
No problem! It works as a button and doesn't force quit, but the text still doesn't change color on hover. It's great if you don't need that feature.

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