Viewing How do I take my site offline for a while

How do I take my site offline for a while

User: Ernest J. 5 years ago
Just wanting to make some changes to my site and not have other folks see the site online for a while, so how do I take it offline for a while?

User: wellnl 5 years ago
Probably the quickest way is to put a page at the top of the web page list which acts as a Site Maintenance page without any links to other pages. The first page in the list is the landing page so it should quickly stop people accessing the site through the 'front door'. It's a quick and not perfect solution.
User: Ernest J. 5 years ago
Yeah, that worked when I type in the name of my website, however it doesn't work when I type in other domains that take folks to other pages within my site, even though I've placed empty maintenance pages there as well?
User: wellnl 5 years ago
Yes what I suggested is a quick way to block the usual route to the website. Otherwise you would need some sort of redirection to always take users to the maintenance page. Or password protection may be an option? Others may have better ideas!
User: Paul-RAGESW 5 years ago
HI Ernest,

You can contact customer support and we can delete your current website for now and when you're ready you can republish it.

EverWeb Developer

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