Viewing Can i apply line spacing/height changes to more than one paragraph at the same time?

Can i apply line spacing/height changes to more than one paragraph at the same time?

User: Ana C. 5 years ago
I a writing a blog post and i cant seem to set a default line height. Every time i start a new paragraph i have to go back and change it manually.
Also, sometime i will be typing and the cursor jumps to the beginning of the line- has anyone else experienced this? It usually happens after i have inserted an image.
User: wellnl 5 years ago
HI Ana

There is no way to set a default line height in a blog. It may be better to. write the blog, then highlight the whole post contents then set the line height. When I write my own blog I find that if I have set a line height for a paragraph then press return and carry on typing, the line height stays. However, when I start a new post I have to set up the editor again with the font, font size etc again each time... you could set up a dummy blog post that is in draft that has the settings you want, then duplicate it every time you want to create a new post... (secondary click on the dummy post and select duplicate from the submenu)
Hope that helps! It may be an idea to log this also as a Feature Request



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