Viewing How to embed a graph with a non-HTML snippet?

How to embed a graph with a non-HTML snippet?

User: Detlef S. 5 years ago
please have a look at the below website.

Under API there are a few embedding options.
Is there any that is compatible with an EverWeb widget?
If yes, which one?

On regular web pages, an HTML code is given.
These codes work with the HTML Snippet widget. See website below.

However, the websites with TradingView charts do not offer an HTML snippet.
So, I wonder whether there is another widget that could be used with one of the given API codes.
User: Roddy 5 years ago
The easiest way is to use an iFrame. Here's a demo of the chart.

It was iinserted using the Responsive iFrame widget which is in the Responsive Modules 4 pack.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Detlef S. 5 years ago
Roddy, I can't open the demo chart. I get the error message {"Message":"Invalid authorization"}.

Anyway, I found out that the API scripts only give access to the raw data and are not alternative scripts to display the graph. In addition, I found that under the tab Historical the HTML embed code is provided. So, that solves my problem.

However, in general, is it possible to embed a website in a widget window if one only has an HTML address?
For example, see the webpage here. It is the historical 10-year bond rate graph for China from TradingView. Is there a way to embed this page as a frame on a website as seen in the attached screenshot?

User: Roddy 5 years ago
In general, you can embed a web page using an iFrame. You would need to use a widget of you want it to be scrollable on touch devices like the iPad.

This demo shows a page of the EverWeb Widgets site embedded in another page using a responsive iframe.

Some websites block this ability by only allowing "same origin". For example, you can't display an Instagram page in an iframe.

It would be possible to embed the graph but you wold need to apply for a user ID and include a fairly complicated java script file which you would need to modify. Doing this kind of thing with an HTML Snippet widget is difficult although the task is easier if you use the Responsive Code widget.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Detlef S. 5 years ago
Roddy, thanks for explaining.

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