Viewing Add an image other than in the header section

Add an image other than in the header section

User: Andrew M. 5 years ago
This seems odd. I want to add an image to one of my pages to function as a button. When I try to add the required image, though (and however I try to add it) it becomes constrained to a rectangular section that spans the width of the top of the page and, when I try to move it, snaps back into the header section. Any idea why this might be? I think I've attached a couple of pictures to show you what I mean



/Users/Andy/Desktop/Screenshot 2019-01-02 at 18.00.07.png
/Users/Andy/Desktop/Screenshot 2019-01-02 at 18.00.07.png
User: Andrew M. 5 years ago
Ah. Got it. The problem was I was trying to put the image on a directory page and it didn't like it. When I put it on an 'ordinary' page it worked fine and from there I could copy/paste it to the directory page

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