Viewing bold or underlind the menue entry of when beeing on its page

bold or underlind the menue entry of when beeing on its page

User: Chris T. 6 years ago
if am on my home page, my "home" menue entry should be bold,

if am on my about page, my "about" menue entry should be bold,

....and so on..

how please ?

User: Roddy 6 years ago
There are quite a few widgets for making a navigation which indicates the current page. For example, the first 4 in the Navigation [1] pack have that option.

Note that these are all single level navigation. It''s not really practical to add the indicator to a menu with drop downs.

Sites with more than one level usually insert breadcrumbs to let the visitor know where they are in the site.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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