Viewing scrolling sticky iframes widget - pictures are cropped !?

scrolling sticky iframes widget - pictures are cropped !?

User: Chris T. 6 years ago
hi (roddy.)

i tried the named widget and the pictures are not shown fully.

the pictures have different hights and some pictures are only shown half or less...

i tried some variations of the settings but without a positive result.

how to make the be seen completly without croping them into the same aspect ratio (which would be probably impossible due to them beeing arcitectural plans..!!!)

best. c.

Last edit 6 years ago
User: Chris T. 6 years ago
i seem to have the same problem with al the parallax widgets.

either the heigt or the width is cropped when i use pictures with differnet aspect ratios...which i have to as mentioned..

( the pictures have either height or width with 2000pxl )

User: Roddy 6 years ago
Images need to be cropped to landscape. For full width or full width parallax, crop them to about 1600px wide by no more than 1000 to 1200px in height before importing them into EverWeb.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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