Viewing How to set up a secure site in a standalone version

How to set up a secure site in a standalone version

User: Jane A. 6 years ago
I have a standalone version of Everweb V.2.6.0. When I go to the publishing settings I cannot see an option to publish to https.

I approached my web hoster and they have changed my site to https. But how can I ensure that when I load new content all the photos etc have https urls? Is there a standalone option to publish to a folder in suitable format? Or will my web hoster's set up do it automatically?

My site is
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Jane!

The SSL certificate was applied to your website as it's not something that is enabled through the actual EverWeb web building software but by your hosting provider.

If you go to your website, you will see in your left-hand top corner, near the URL that connection is secure.


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