Viewing menue bar doesnt stay centered when making browser window smaller - even dissapears!!

menue bar doesnt stay centered when making browser window smaller - even dissapears!!

User: Chris T. 6 years ago

i made a menue bar with center allignment on a side with dynamic width.

if the browser window is full screnned the menue bar is centered, but if i make that window smaller, the menue bar doesnt stay centered. first it keeps being centered, but from a certain window-with on it keeps standing still and starts to be uncentered...until it even partly dissapears on the right side..

i made the menue responsive, so from 700pixel and less it should go into hamburger mode, which it does, but until than the most parts of it simply dissapear into nirvana when i make the browserwindow smaller

take a look at the pictures please

Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-21 um 17.10.53 (2).png

Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-21 um 17.11.33 (2).png

Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-21 um 17.11.49 (2).png
User: Chris T. 6 years ago

User: Chris T. 6 years ago
any thoughts please. i depend on a solution here, if i shall make my site with dynamic width or not..

one thing, if i make the window inside everweb smaller, it just works fine:
the centered menue stays centered until a certain level, and from a certain point on it changes into hamburger mode..nothing dissapears, nothing is wrong..

but if i make a preview, its just like i described. the menue doesnt stay centered, and parts of it dissapear during smallering the window. so before the hamburger mode appears, parts of the menue are lost in nowhere..

please, i need assistance there


bye, c.
User: Roddy 6 years ago
The dynamic width layout is not yet functional. You can create responsive pages with EverWeb but, for now, you need to use widgets.

Hero widgets, for example, will create designs which are responsive down to, at least, the width of a tablet in portrait mode.

For an example of a fully resonsive web page created with EverWeb, check out the EverWeb Widgets home page.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Gadu!

Indeed, EverWeb is not fully responsive, but there are significant updates coming which will include much more responsive features.

At this point you can "simulate" the responsive design of the website, using the widgets we have (mobile page/navigation menu etc.):

Sorry for any inconveniences and thanks for understanding!


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