Viewing Google Chrome to Start Showing Warnings July 1 for Non-HTTPS Websites

Google Chrome to Start Showing Warnings July 1 for Non-HTTPS Websites

User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Hi EverWebers,

This is just a reminder that starting July 1, Google Chrome will start showing warnings if your website does not have a HTTPS enabled URLS. That means you need an SSL certificate such as EverWeb Secure Shield enabled for your website.

If you are an EverWeb + Hosting customer we have made this process so simple, all you have to do is check a box under File->Edit Publishing Settings to Enable HTTPS Websites. You do need the EverWeb Secure Shield Add-on which you can purchase from within your client area account.

This add-on is free for EverWeb + Hosting 10GB users.

For Standalone users you need to work with your web hosting provider to install an SSL certificate and redirect your old non-secure URLS to your new secure ones. Then in EverWeb go to File->Edit Publishing Settings and in the Website URL field enter https:// instead of just http:// before your domain name.

Then you just republish your entire website.

SSL and HTTPS urls are both a configuration on your web server (the web hosting part) and your website code (EverWeb). For both EverWeb Standalone and EverWeb + Hosting users we take care of this for you from the web site coding site. However, as mentioned above EverWeb Standalone users must work with their third party hosts to set this up properly.

More details can be found on our blog. If you have any questions, please let us know, we are here to help;

HTTPS Secure websites protect your website visitors when they are visiting your website, especially when they send you information such as with a contact form. They also help improve search engine rankings and provide a higher level of trust to your website visitors.

EverWeb Developer

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