Viewing Is there a webcam widget ?

Is there a webcam widget ?

User: Martin K. 6 years ago
I'd like to be able to display a webcam window on a webpage but for a simple soul like me, coding is a step too far.

Anyone know if there's a widget that might do the job that would work with Everweb ?

User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Martin!

Definitely no widget for that among the default ones, you can look at this site here:

Or, if you find a service that provides with a code that can be pasted to the website, you can use our HTML Snippet widget to add it. It doesn't require coding, you would need to drag and drop the HTML Snippet widget from the Widgets tab in EverWeb to the center area and then paste the code in the widget settings.


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User: Roddy 6 years ago
You would need to be a bit more specific about what you want to do and what facilities you have.

Most web cams have software include for uploading data to the server. They usually require a secure server so you would need to check this out with your hosting service.

If you want to stream live, you should use a streaming service.

Creating a window for images is straightforward and for video a little more complex.You also need to add a meta refresh to the page head code to force the browser to update as frequently as new material is uploaded.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Martin K. 6 years ago
Many thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll pursue accordingly.....
User: Wadu N. 2 months ago
I'm interested in displaying a webcam window on a webpage using Everweb, but coding is beyond my expertise. Does anyone know of a widget that could help achieve this?
User: Wadu N. 2 months ago
I'm interested in displaying a webcam window on a webpage using Everweb, but coding is beyond my expertise. Does anyone know of a widget that could help achieve this?
User: wellnl 2 months ago
I'm not aware of anyone developing a webcam widget but you could ask at third parties such as EverWeb Garden or EverWeb Widgets. They may have something already or might be able to develop something for you.

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