Viewing Mobile hamburger menu with anchor scrolling

Mobile hamburger menu with anchor scrolling

User: Stefan V. 6 years ago

I was wondering if it is possible to have a hamburger menu for my mobile page that, instead of linking to a different page, smooth scrolls to anchor points on the page.

Thank you in advance!
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi, Stefan!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to add the hyperlink to the Navigation Menu that will lead you to the scroll position on the page at the moment. However, this is something that worth adding to EverWeb!

I will forward this idea to our developers and hopefully, we will see it implemented in the future releases.

Thank you very much for your idea!

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Stefan V. 6 years ago

Thank you for your reply! I hope this feature will be added in the near feature.
User: Roddy 6 years ago
A more usual method of navigating a one page site is to use sticky tabs or vertical dot navigation.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
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