Viewing create photo galleries

create photo galleries

User: Len L. 6 years ago
On my iWeb site, there are thumbnail links of each guitar used to direct the viewer to the information and more photos of that guitar. When they select that thumbnail and access that page there is a new array of thumbnails in a photo gallery. They can view the larger pictures therein by clicking these thumbnails inside that gallery. It was very easy to do in iWeb by accessing I photo in the media panel and simply dragging a folder onto the new page. The gallery was created automatically. Can that be done in everWeb? Thanks

Guitar #94.png
User: Roddy 6 years ago
There's nothing like the iWeb photo gallery to be found anywhere! Although it was very useful for quickly displaying a lot of images, it is completely useless in terms of user experience and SEO. Every image on a website needs alt text for the search engines and a descriptive caption for the visitors.

Using the Image Gallery widgets, you can create a gallery navigation page with links to the various lighbox galleries.

Clicking any image in the grid will take you to a demo of the various styles of gallery. Vary the browser width to see how each responds to changes in browser or device width so that it gives a good user experience when viewed on computers, tablets and mobile phones.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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