Viewing How to put two browser backgrounds within a page?

How to put two browser backgrounds within a page?

User: Josep Maria G. 6 years ago
This website has been made with everweb and uses two browser backgrounds on the same page.
How do they do that?
User: Roddy 6 years ago
The website was originally created with EverWeb and then rebuilt using code.

There are quite a few widgets for creating scrolling effects.

Here's a demo of a widget that hasn't ben released yet that will create a parallax background with multiple images.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Erik D. 6 years ago
You could use different master pages and then set a different browser background per master page. It is easy to copy one master page and use the copy to create a second master page.
User: Erik D. 6 years ago
You could use different master pages and then set a different browser background per master page. It is easy to copy one master page and use the copy to create a second master page.

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