Viewing Gallery continuation

Gallery continuation

User: Eric L. 6 years ago
when customers get to the bottom of one of my gallery pages they think that's all there is. how can i put a link to the second gallery page at the bottom of the first? i know there's navigation at the top of the gallery and most viewers miss it.

Last edit 6 years ago
User: EverWeb Support 6 years ago
Hi Eric!

This is indeed something we can improve on. Adding links to the bottom of the widget will be a good idea, I'll forward it to our development team.

If you really need to connect your pages in the way you describe, I can suggest creating several site pages and connect them via regular links. Or you can create one page, place a Gallery and set its Images Per Page to a very big value so that all images were placed on the same page. It will stretch the page down drastically but it's a viable option.


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