Viewing Link to text or specific place on page

Link to text or specific place on page

User: Michael C. 7 years ago
Hello -
I am a very basic user and have no coding experience.
My website contains some musicology research articles that contain footnotes - the notes themselves are usually at the end of the article or on a separate page.
What I'd like to do is link the footnote number to footnote text, either by clicking on the number and having the text appear (like a popup), or that link take me to the specific note reference in the footnote section.
Is there a simple way this can be done adding some html code/snippet?
Thanks for any help -
User: Roddy 7 years ago
Anchors are used to scroll from one point on a page to another.

You could also use a link tab which pops up a modal.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Michael C. 7 years ago
Thank you -
I actually found your "text 2 text" widget which did what I was looking for :-)
Bought your whole widget pack as a result!
User: Michael C. 7 years ago
Thank you -
I actually found your "text 2 text" widget which did what I was looking for :-)
Bought your whole widget pack as a result!

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