Viewing Anyone using, Codepen, Codrops?

Anyone using, Codepen, Codrops?

User: Sam T. 7 years ago
I was curious if anyone has implemented HTML, JS, CSS features from libraries such as Codyhouse. There is some really cool stuff out there, but I'm not sure exactly how to make it work in everweb. I've tried but it didn't come out exactly right. If anyone has some experience with that, could you please make a tutorial or explain it?

There are elements of HTML, CSS, and JS in each one. Let's say for example, I wanted to do this.

Can it be done?
User: Courtney H. 7 years ago
That's nice. I'd like to see if it can be done too.

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
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User: Roddy 7 years ago
Here's an example of the CodyHouse Clipped SVG Slider inserted into EverWeb.

The project is responsive. You will find out about code insertion and creating responsive items in the info section of the EverWeb Widgets website.

Go to the Code section to find widgets suitable for inserting responsive items and those using jQuery.

This is a fairly ambitious project which will require a working knowledge of HTML and CSS. You may want to try something simpler to get familiar with the techniques involved. The Code Snippets section has some examples.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Sam T. 7 years ago
Thanks Roddy,

Can you help me understand the CSS & java script placement? This is working fine; however, when I use animations via java script, it conflicts with the built in Everweb animation features. Is the html snippet the wrong place to put it?

Lets, for example, say I am doing this: Codpen

My HTML goes in the HTML Tag
My CSS goes in the Page Header Locations opening with <style type="text/css"> & closing with </style>.
I am a bit lost with where to put the java script
User: Roddy 7 years ago
Here's a demo of the project and the code that I used.

The JS can go in the Footer Code box. You would find it a lot easier using a widget like THIS to insert code.

You can't just mix and match items as you often get conflicts. Animation is one of those effects which tend to be overused. One or two animations on page load is enough. If you want any more, use on click or on hover for certain items that you want to draw attention to.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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