Viewing Blog Feature Questions:

Blog Feature Questions:

User: Sam T. 7 years ago
I'm a bit confused over the blog feature. I have a few questions:

1. What do we do if we want to port it over easily into mobile? Will this require maintaining both a desktop version and a mobile version of the blog? Can't do you handle this?

2. Can I widen the margins of a post. The text is centered on the page and doesn't provide a good aesthetic. It works well for tablet but on desktop appears squeezed in the middle.

3. Is "Display Posts" in the inspector the only way to maintain a draft. For example: I have three articles drafted, but only want to publish one. I set Display Posts to one. Is there a better means to store drafts?

I am hoping there are some clear resolutions to these, as blogging shouldn't be so much maintenance. It's a bit concerning.
User: EverWeb Support 7 years ago
Hi, Sam!

1. We usually recommend to have mobile pages for all desktop pages but in a case with the blog, I'd say the regular blog page is already good enough. The way it's created suits both desktop and mobile device's screen.

2. You can widen the block with blog entries and the block of the very post. Go to blog directory, click once on the list of posts and note little white squares to the right and left. Drag them to change the size of the box. The same goes for the post on the posts page.

3. I answered this in the other thread you left but I'll repeat this again. Unfortunately, there is no way to do it as of now. You can, however, create a separate project file and turn it into the "testing ground" for the blog posts.


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