Viewing Change order of items in navigation menu

Change order of items in navigation menu

User: Rik V. 7 years ago
I just started working with Everweb, but I would like to know how I can change the order of the items in my navigation menu, which I made with the widget. It seems like they appear in a random order, and dragging the pages in the folder on the left in a different order doesn't seem to help -- as you can see from the attached screenshot. Is this a bug, or is there some way of doing this that I am not aware of? And if it's a bug, anyone know a workaround?

User: Martin K. 7 years ago
Don't you just need to reorder the webpages in the left hand panel (raise/lower) to change the order in the nav menu ?
User: Rik V. 7 years ago
No, I did exactly this, moving the 'thesis' tab to the bottom, and it stays at the second position on the right -- this is exactly the problem. Even when I save, close and reopen, it doesn't change.

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