Viewing Website Bomb

Website Bomb

User: James R. 7 years ago
Ok, so I made a mobile website in the same project folder as my computer site. I had the mobile site pages set to "this page for mobile site". On the computer pages, the mobile settings were set to "one of my pages" and the corresponding mobile page. When I tried it on a smart phone, it worked beautifully. Then I went to my computer site. It looked like a bomb hit it. Words were everywhere and different sizes. I took out the mobile pages and reset the mobile settings and republished. The computer site was back to normal. It almost looks like the computer site was using the pages from the mobile site.
Anyone have any ideas on the matter.
User: Roddy 7 years ago
It almost looks like the computer site was using the pages from the mobile site.

That is possible if you entered the URL for the mobile page since EverWeb doesn't provide a way to redirect computer and tablet users from the mobile phone site to the full site.

I pointed this out in your Mobile Website Question topic but didn't make it clear that it should work both ways.
[1] You need a redirect code on each page of the full site to redirect to the equivalent mobile page and the same on the mobile site to redirect non smart phone users to the full site.

Instead of this...
I think a method of redirecting to a mobile site on a separate project should be the subject of an EverWeb feature request.

I should have said...
I think a method of redirecting to and from a mobile site on a separate project should be the subject of an EverWeb feature request.

Anyway, if you think that this might be the problem, contact me and I will send you a copy of the Redirect widget to try.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
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