Viewing Mobile Website Questions

Mobile Website Questions

User: James R. 7 years ago
I have created a new mobile website. I have made it a separate project from my computer site. Now I have a few questions:
1. Do I have to somehow link the pages of the two sites?
2. Is there any head code that I need to apply in either site?
3. How do I put in a new subdirectory? I have tried to put in in the subdirectory field of the mobile site. When I click out, the dots disappear.
Thank you very much.
User: Roddy 7 years ago
[1] You need a redirect code on each page of the full site to redirect to the equivalent mobile page and the same on the mobile site to redirect non smart phone users to the full site.

[2] The java script redirect in the head code doesn't work in V2 of EverWeb due to the data linkUUID that EverWeb adds to all hyperlinks. There is a Redirect widget in the new Mobile Elements widget pack which uses a different method of redirect based in browser/device width.

For those who are still stuck on creating a fixed width mobile site, purchasing this pack is not cost effective. I think a method of redirecting to a mobile site on a separate project should be the subject of an EverWeb feature request.

[3] If you are publishing to the EverWeb server, you need to ask support this question.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi James,

You can do this easily,

Go to File->Edit Publish Settings for your mobile page and enter a sub directory and publish your site,

Then for your desktop site in the Inspector->Page Settings select External URL under mobile redirect option and enter the URL to your mobile page above.

EverWeb Developer
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