Viewing Page Background is not Extending to top of footer

Page Background is not Extending to top of footer

User: J. Christopher D. 7 years ago
On the page the Page Background is not extending down to the top of the footer as expected. It appears fine in the EverWeb client software but once published it doesn't completely draw. I've checked this in Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Oprea. Attached is a screenshot of the page.

How do I get it to extend all the way down?

It displays as expected on the other pages.


Last edit 7 years ago
User: J. Christopher D. 7 years ago
Ugh! I see that I didn't include a link OR a screenshot. Sheesh!!!..

Anyway, the page in question is About and the section Voiceover Training is missing the page background.

I'm using a Master Page and have, removed the Page Background, rebuilt the Master Page, published only changes and republished the entire site. I've come to the end of my troubleshooting ideas and looking for more.


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