Viewing Projects Window empty

Projects Window empty

User: BernadetteKerbey 7 years ago
I was away recently and when I got back I discovered that my husband had bought MacShiney - I then discovered that the content of all 3 websites on EverWeb was gone. I was given lots of help and advice, but as I had failed to back anything up I had to start again.
I immediately rebuilt one of the sites (a friends small restaurant), just 4 pages, but I didn't back it up and now, although the site is online (all 3 sites are but I can't alter them without rebuilding them first) I have just come to the desktop to update the food menu for the restaurant and the Projects Window is once again empty.
What can I do to stop this happening? What is the best way to back it up ... or do I ditch MacShiney?
User: Roddy 7 years ago
Here's a quote from Terence Devlin - one of the super gurus of the Apple User Forums...
That's a 3rd party app, and frankly another of those that is more harm than good. Get rid of it and then restore from your back up.

How to Uninstall MacShiny.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: BernadetteKerbey 7 years ago
Thanks for that. That was my thought entirely. I have no idea what induced him to buy it!

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