Viewing Blog Questions

Blog Questions

User: Damon Z. 7 years ago
Finally renewed my EverWeb and am now trying to figure out the blog functions...

• How do I change default text colour?
I changed the colour in a post to white, but on subsequent posts it's back to black. My background is black so that's not really good.

• How do I change the appearance of the blog archive list? Headlines are blue link-colour, can't fint a way to change that or the font/size etc???

• I want to have the blog in the Navigation Menu, but when people click that, I want it to lead to the latest post not the archive, how can I do that?

• How can I have my webpage land on the latest blog post? For example, if people type in the last blog post should be the front page.

• Is there a way that blog posts can appear after each other in one page instead of each blog having their own page?

• When will it be possible to update the blog remotely (without EverWeb app)?

Last edit 7 years ago
User: Damon Z. 7 years ago
Nobody with any insight in any of this?
User: EverWeb Support 7 years ago
Hi Damon,

Could you please contact EverWeb support ( with these issue so we can investigate them more closely?

Thank you in advance!


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User: Don B. 7 years ago
Great questions. I'm looking forward to responses to some of them.

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