Viewing New to Everweb mobile question

New to Everweb mobile question

User: Rene M. 7 years ago
I was a Freeway user and am thinking of switching to Everweb. I have lay out my Desktop site and now want to do the mobile. When I view the 480 design on browser it does not work with Iphone. Should I layout at 375 instead?? If I am doing a single level can I use the html 5 icon nav without it affecting main site?? I am in overload looking at different mobile widgets tooooo many.
User: Roddy 7 years ago
If you are making a fixed width mobile site, 375px is a better compromise.

In the new EverWeb Widgets site, there will be widgets for creating a responsive mobile site since iPhone screens vary in with from 736px down to 320px.

There are elements for creating items like a combined header/nav and containers with built in footers for content.

There are also a whole bunch of responsive widgets for content and media. These are used to create a fully responsive site for all devices. Many of these are suitable for use on a mobile version of the site.

While a fully responsive site may seem ideal, creating a separate responsive version for mobile phone users has a lot of advantages. For example, all the image file sizes can be reduced for the mobile version and a full site mobile gallery would be replaced with the mobile lightbox. Battery burning slideshows can be replaced by a lazy loading, swipe slider for faster loading pages and a better visitor experience.

When creating a mobile version of the site, make sure you TEST it using the browser's responsive mode. For final testing, always use the iOS Simulator.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Rene M. 7 years ago
Thank you Roddy I do plan on creating a separate mobile site I agree overall it is better. When are the new widgets coming out? I did go on the new site and felt they were better than what is on the current site. I am done with my desk top site and ready to move into the mobile
site but really like the new widgets.

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