Viewing Sign up list?

Sign up list?

User: Kathleen F. 7 years ago
Hello -

Is there a way to set up a sign up list on our site? I'd like people in our group to be able sign up for weekly jobs.
I have seen online sign up sheets but wondered if there is a way I can create one myself on EverWeb.

Thanks - KF
User: Roddy 7 years ago
There's an instructional video about how to use MailChimp for this.

If you need to restyle the form to suit your web page design you can use THIS widget.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Kathleen F. 7 years ago
Thanks, Roddy, for your speedy reply! I look forward to learning more about how to do this.

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