Viewing instagram button on browser background

instagram button on browser background

User: Trevor Allan D. 7 years ago
I've suddenly got an extra instagram button appearing (and functioning) on all of my blog pages on the extreme left margin of the browser background. I've searched for it on each of the individual blogs' code for the unwanted duplicate but can't find it.

Where do the elements common to all blog posts live in the website folders? By this I mean elements entered onto the preview pane in 'posts'.

Here's the url of one post:

It seems always to be below and directly in line with the end of each page's background colour, whatever the length of the post.

Any suggestions gratefully received!

Last edit 7 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Trevor,

Looks like you may have added a link to Instagram from your site wide footer code (File->Edit Publishing Settings)

Or from the Page Footer Code under the Page Settings tab in the Inspector for your posts page.

EverWeb Developer
User: Trevor Allan D. 7 years ago
Thanks Paul, but no, all that's in the site-wide box is StatCounter as far as I can see (and remember). The footer box on the posts page is empty. I've also removed the instagram link from the social media buttons in the footer completely. there's no sign of any rogue rectangles on the preview of the posts, even with 'select all'. I'm stumped.

I'm back to my original question - where are the 'master page' elements stored, given that they are somehow independent of the particular post's text and images? (or am I misunderstanding the architecture?

Thanks again!

Last edit 7 years ago

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