Viewing Expanding picture frame styles

Expanding picture frame styles

User: John P. 7 years ago
I'm just getting started with Everweb, finally migrating away from iWeb, and of course looking for similar/better ways of doing things.

Is there an accepted way of expanding the number of frame styles for graphic objects in Everweb?

With iWeb and any iLife application you could increase the selection of picture frames by simply moving .sfrframe folders from one iLife application into any other. Ideally, I'd like to do something similar with Everweb so I can use frame styles like Green Paper, Hardcover, and others within the application itself without resorting to applying graphic effects elsewhere, then importing the graphic into Everweb, I found the Frames folder in the Everweb package, but the contents are not quite the same as those used in iLife/Iwork.

Any pointers?

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi John,

Unfortunately you cannot use the frames from iWeb or other iLife software in EverWeb the way you describe.

I'm note sure if Apple's license would allow us to support this anyways.

If you have styles you want to use I can look into creating something similar for EverWeb for you. But I can't make an guarantees at this time for providing something in the near future.

EverWeb Developer
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User: John P. 7 years ago
Thanks, and I understand the various issues with using Apple's styles directly.. The styles that I've used most frequently in the past are Green Paper, School Play, and Vintage, as seen on this page:

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