Viewing Email Quota

Email Quota

User: Robert C. 7 years ago

I've just transferred my domain over to your company (after using the excellent app for a year). What happens when the email quota is full? Will I get a warning? Does it auto erase older email to accommodate new? I don't want to just stop receiving email and be blissfully unaware, I'm hoping for some prompt so I can login and delete any excess if necessary. I'm redirecting all my mail to my personal account.


User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Robert,

I recommend you set your email quota to unlimited. When you are approaching your file space limit (which includes all email, and website pages/files), we send you a warning email.

We never delete any email.

If you do happen to go over your file space or email quota anyone who emails you will get an error message about it.

You can also always see your mailbox size and current usage in your client area->Services->My Services section.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Robert C. 7 years ago
Thanks Paul. There's no option for 'unlimited' so I've set it to 3000MB which is above my 2000MB limit, I figured this would have the same effect as 'unlimited' and trigger a warning email if I approach my 2000MB limit?
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Rob,

Yes, good thinking, that will work!

EverWeb Developer

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