Viewing Add a favicon to my website?

Add a favicon to my website?

User: Evelyn J. 7 years ago
I've made my own favicon for my newly-published web site (, but I don't seem to be able to add the favicon. It only appears as an external file in my Assets list, and external files don't show in the list which pops up for 'choose' a favicon in the site publishing settings page.

So I went to Roddy's advice in the Everwebcodebox page and carefully copied and pasted the appropriate code according to his instructions into the Head Code box on the site publishing page, and republished. I was slightly surprised to find it came out identical to his:
<link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="{!-ASSETSPATH-!}External%20Files/favicon.ico">

And still nothing, even when I try typing /favicon.ico into my URL.

This is all awfully new to me! What am I doing wrong?
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Evelyn,

Sorry for the problems you are experiencing.

For now go to the Site Publishing Settings and click the 'Choose' option to select your favicon.

It will work if your favicon is a png file by the way.

I will get this issue fixed ASAP though for the .ico files.

Sorry again for the inconveniences.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Evelyn J. 7 years ago
Stop scratching your heads, everyone - I just discovered what I was doing wrong. I had renamed my file 'favicon.ico', instead of leaving its format as it was when I created it - 'favicon.png'. So I tried the original PNG format. It loaded straight into the Assets list and worked first time from 'favicon - choose' in the site publishing settings page. (At least it now appears when I type 'favicon.ico' at the end of my URL ... )

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