Viewing Enabling Comments on the Blog

Enabling Comments on the Blog

User: Yelena 7 years ago
I would like to know what is Disqus Shortname? If I look at how to install Disqus in EverWeb it tells me to insert an HTML code but nowhere do I see anything about a short name... Please explain...:)

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Roddy 7 years ago
The shortname is an identifier which Disqus uses to determine which website the comments are associated with.

You can also assign comments to a particular page by entering the page URL and a unique page identifier into the installation code. This would be required if the comments are only used for a particular blog post.

If you want to add a separate comments section for each blog post, you should think up a logical sequence of page identifiers.

There are a couple of widgets for inserting Disqus and one of them allows the comments to appear in a modal window to save space.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Roddy 7 years ago
The updated user manual - which is available in the EverWeb Help drop down menu - has info about using Disqus starting at page 47.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Yelena 7 years ago
Thank you, Roddy! Got it!

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3

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