Viewing Newly Purchased, But Missing Gym Lite Template. How Download?

Newly Purchased, But Missing Gym Lite Template. How Download?

User: Joshua C. 7 years ago
I just downloaded the latest update and purchased it to get a new template Gym Lite.
However, the template is not part of the new Everweb 1.9.7, even though it's right on the first page of the Template page on their website.

Perhaps I'm a luddite but I can't figure out how to download/acquire it.

Can anyone lend a hand?

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Josh,

Open EverWeb and go to the top left hand corner and select 'Check for New Templates'. That should find all the latest templates for you.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Joshua C. 7 years ago
Perfect! Thank you.

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