Viewing Auto play mp3 using the audio widget

Auto play mp3 using the audio widget

User: Chris B. 7 years ago
Does a way exist to get an Mp3 to automatically play in EW using the widget?
I don't want the users to have to select it to begin playback.

User: Lucas A. 7 years ago
You may want to reconsider - this is generally considered an undesired, highly-disliked feature by users.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
I would agree with Langdon that you should really not auto play music or video for users. Imagine someone who visits your website in a presentation, at their office, or a classroom etc... They would not appreciate having music played automatically.

However, if you must do it, Roddy has a widget for this;

Last edit 7 years ago

EverWeb Developer

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