Viewing wireframe? order of element input for optimum load time, and search engine optimization?

wireframe? order of element input for optimum load time, and search engine optimization?

User: Ben L. 7 years ago
I've built a website, moving things around to get exactly the right look. Now I want to rebuild the site, page by page, putting the elements of the page in the best order for the search engines and for load time. Are there any tutorials about how to do this?: What goes in first, second, third etc. to get the optimum load time and search engine facilitating? And, for instance, I'd also like to see the page load element by element from the top down, so the visitor can start reading immediately as the rest of the page loads below.

Any link pointing or suggestions would be super appreciated.

User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Ben,

You can adjust the sort order of elements from the Arrange menu. The items at the front will load first.

In terms of search engines, it does not matter.

For a faster loading website try to use less images and large media files.

Last edit 7 years ago

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: James G. 7 years ago
There is a lot of info on this site.
Ultimately, when you rebuild the pages, add items to the page left to right top to bottom.
User: Ben L. 7 years ago
Thank you guys. Both helpful answers. I've got a bunch of Roddy's widgets, terrific stuff. And it was somewhere on Roddy's site that I originally read about wireframes, and about how messy the coding gets when one drags stuff around on a page, and changes it, resizes pics, etc. etc. Thus the reason for re-creating the pages from the 'wireframe' versions. I wish I could find the exact section on Roddy's site, though. To get the details again. Big site. Lots of info that goes right over my head ... not actually being a coder ... and the fact that there are so many new conventions in play.

Paul ... great advice, I think. I have no bandwidth here so can't try it out immediately. But all my pages are built from masters where I use Roddy's full page widget for browser background. I just went back to those master pages and brought the widget to the top in every instance. I'm so curious to see if they will all load the full screen image first now ... will report back when I can get to some bandwidth to upload.

Both answers were really helpful guys. I click Paul's as the best only because it's the first. All the best .... and thank you....

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