Viewing Custom Button Image for PayPal

Custom Button Image for PayPal

User: Yelena 7 years ago
I would like to use a Custom Button Image but when I try to use an existing image it is full size and does not adjust to any other size. Does it mean I have to make a tiny image before inserting it?

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Yelena,

I'm sorry I don't fully understand what you are trying to do. Can you provide some more details on exactly what you are doing so I can provide a proper solution to you?

EverWeb Developer
User: Yelena 7 years ago
When I Choose an Image to to be used as a Custom Button Image EW inserts it into PayPal widget but at the size that image is in the Assets, without making it fit the little box... If I use the Inspector to adjust the size nothing happens either....

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
The image size of the PayPal Custom Button can't be adjusted in EverWeb at this time.

If you are adjusting the values in width/height under Inspector->Metrics that is for the entire widget, not the PayPal custom button image.

Last edit 7 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Yelena 7 years ago
Ok, but then what is the solution? How tiny an image do I need to create to fit that little box?

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Ok, but then what is the solution? How tiny an image do I need to create to fit that little box?

I'm sorry Yelena, but I am really confused by your question.

What little box are you referring to?

Are you using the built in PayPal Widget?

A screenshot would really help me understand what your issue is.

EverWeb Developer
User: Yelena 7 years ago
Ok, here it is. Yes, I am using the built in PayPal widget....The widget dimensions are 85/25 The image won't fit in the set parameters...and it publishes like that too....

Last edit 7 years ago

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3

Screen Shot 2016-10-01 at 1.01.21 PM.png
User: Yelena 7 years ago
I attached a Screen shot but don't see it here - can you see it???

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
No, I think we have to fix the image attachment option here. Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you put the image on a account or on an online file sharing service for the moment?

EverWeb Developer
User: Yelena 7 years ago
May I just sent it to you as an Email attachment?

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21" OS X 10.10.3
User: Roddy 7 years ago
The default PayPal button image is 86pxwide by 21 px in height.

It is also downloaded from the PayPal server which is not very efficient. Those wanting to use this awful looking button can download it HERE and add it to the EverWeb Assets list for better efficiency.

Most e-commerce sites use CTA buttons created without using images for better visibility and efficiency. Example.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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