Viewing I want page links for a large photo gallery

I want page links for a large photo gallery

User: Kathryn Q. 7 years ago
I've created a huge photo gallery, with 4 pages, 39 images per page. At the top of the gallery on each page, there is <1 2 3 4 > to select the pages in the gallery. However, it is pretty small, and I'd like to not only make it larger, but to locate it at the bottom of the page, rather than the top. Alternatively, I'd like a link at the end of each page, so that the pages can be navigated independently of the gallery.
Is this possible?
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Yes, simply double click the area with the gallery pages and open the fonts panel from the toolbar. You can modify the styling and size with the Fonts Panel.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Kathryn Q. 7 years ago
Thank you. that helps with the size and color of those page links. However, I would also like to have a second set of page links at the bottom of each page. I found a work-around, (publish the site, then copy the page 2, 3, 4 url from the internet, make those the links from an external page, then publish again), but is there a way to do it from within the program?
User: Kathryn Q. 7 years ago
Sorry, hit refresh - too eager for an answer!

Last edit 7 years ago

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