Viewing Ad external navigation Link

Ad external navigation Link

User: Dupsta L. 7 years ago
I need to ad a small bug, logo or text link, up next to the navigation bar which will take a user to an external URL.

I know how to make the Logo a "Hyperlink" and direct users to the external page, the help I need, is how to place that hyperlink all the way up at the top, right next to my navigation bar. I physically can't drag anything up there as it seems bound by the blue boundary. My Layout height and header are set to zero.

Any help would be great.

UPDATE: I just accidentally hit command and I dragged the icon up to the top. But it just pops right back.

Last edit 7 years ago
User: Roddy 7 years ago
Hold down the command key while dragging to move an item from the content area to the header or footer.

You can also select the item and then check the box next to "Allow free dragging" in the Metrics inspector. This will allow you to drag the item anywhere including out of the container into the browser background.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: James G. 7 years ago
When you want to attach an image, try clicking Advanced button and then Add Attachment.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
I think adding image attachments is broken with the forums. You can share it on if you know how. I am investigating the image attachment issue though.

EverWeb Developer

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