Viewing Protocol for drop-down menus?

Protocol for drop-down menus?

User: Ben L. 8 years ago
Regular Everweb widget navigation bar across the top. Created directories to have secondary pages. This is where I'm not sure of something.

What is the most standard protocol?: Say I have a 'Film' directory page. And then I have three sub-pages, 'Phase One', 'Phase Two', Phase Three'. BUT! The 'Film' page itself contains the 'Synopses' of the film.

I notice on Everweb's home page in one instance clicking the top 'directory-page' name in the navigation bar does nothing; you have to click one of the sub-pages to actually go somewhere. And then the next 'directory-page' over in the navigation bar the drop-down menu appears and if you click the 'name' itself at the top it takes you to the first sub-page in the menu.

So I'm confused. I also noticed somewhere on the Everweb site that when you hover over the top page name the first sub-page also highlights ... and if you click either the top name itself or the first sub-page it takes you to that first sub-page.

Is there a standard protocol out there in webland? I'd love to use the most standard.

User: Roddy 8 years ago
The most common way for a navigation with drop down menus to work is that the drop down appears when the cursor hovers over the directory name. Then the cursor is slid down to select the child pages.

When you create a directory in EverWeb, look at the Page inspector and you will see that the box next to "Redirect to first child page" is checked by default. The actual "directory page" has no content. A directory page is a kind of a misnomer since a directory is a folder - not a page.

Unchecking the box will direct the visitor to the actual "directory page" if they click the directory name in the navigation. In this case, obviously the directory page needs content. This option would not really be considered "normal".


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
✔ Best Answer  
User: Ben L. 8 years ago
Aha! Another one of those little boxes to click I didn't know about. And now I know what the sub-pages should be called (child), very poetic. Thank you Roddy. An aside: A friend was raving about Wix (I think that's the name). I took a peek. Very flash looking setup. I also noticed that the example sites loaded much much slower than my EverWeb sites.
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Wix was one of the first online website tools which could create responsive pages. They require huge scripts to make them work which explains the extremely poor performance and slow download time. They are not really an option for serious website creation.

I'm not knocking Wix, their competition is just the same or worse!

If you want a responsive website - and the Flex widgets aren't suitable for your design - the only real option is to use code to get an efficient site. There are many free stylesheets and methods but all of them require a good working knowledge of HTML5, CSS and some basic java script.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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