Viewing Asset list, viewing

Asset list, viewing

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
I know that if I click the eye in my asset list I can see what the image is. However, this becomes time consuming when there are a LOT of images. I'm working with an artist and we are going to have maybe 500 examples of the work on the site.

She has them named, probably how they came out of the camera (numbers). I don't have the time or really the knowledge to rename them.

We are going to host with Everweb and once I figure out how to share the file with her we will both use edit it. She feels it will be easier for her to reorder the images in the way she wants them and I agree. Except for the fact that we/she doesn't know what the image is by the name/numbers so we have to look at each and every one multiple times to figure out the order that makes sense.

Is there any way to see a thumbnail of each pix in the asset list without having to click on each one? Is there any widget made by anyone that will allow me to do this? Is there any easier way to do it without clicking on each one of those eyes 20 times (for 500 images).

I love Everweb but doing a big project in it is very time consuming. In Wordpress for example, I can go and visually see all my images.

Any help would be appreciated.

User: Roddy 8 years ago
Select the file name in the Assets List, hold the mouse down on it and drag it slightly downwards. You will see a preview of the image.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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